We Can Maintain Compliance For CAMTS, EURAMI or NAAMTA Accreditation

It’s a lot like maintenance. Some things need to be done to keep other things going.

Have you considered engaging with a consultant to maintain your accreditation? Obtaining it is the biggest battle. Maintaining it plays a smaller, yet critical role. Failure to document appropriately can lead you to lose your endorsement. 

Often times, the small pieces of the compliance puzzle tend to get lost in the shuffle of the day-to-day operations. 

What are these?

  • Quarterly and annual education & training must be tracked. Be prepared for records requests!
  • Are you holding and documenting staff meetings according to the standards?
  • Your quality management system has already met the accreditation requirements. Maintaining documentation of loop closure can be a complex task! Who is responsible for it?

Depending on your accrediting body, you will have different compliance requirements. You may be required to submit reports at predetermined intervals or upon reaccreditation. 

Lighten the burden on the administrative end so you can continue to support your teams in providing life saving care.